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Previous literature has suggested that federal funding can hinder the efficiency of nonprofit organizations, but this has yet not been empirically tested. This study used a two‐stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) model to measure the efficiency of a set of private nonprofit teaching‐oriented colleges, then estimate the impact of federal and state funding on organizational efficiency. The findings indicate that, on average, increases in neither state nor federal funding effect efficiency of nonprofit colleges. Increasing state funding negatively impacted the efficiency of public colleges (N = 799). This study suggests that the challenges for nonprofits that accompany government funding may not rise to a quantifiable negative effect on efficiency.  相似文献   
This article explores human rights storytelling within two of the dominant internet companies, Google and Facebook. Based on interview with company staff as well as analysis of publicly available statements, the article examines how human rights are framed, made sense of and translated into company norms, products, and governance structures. The paper argues that the companies’ framing in many respects resembles that of the United States’ online freedom agenda, celebrating the liberating power of the internet and perceiving human rights as primarily safeguards against repressive governments. The companies see freedom of expression as part of their DNA and do not perceive any contradiction between this standard and business practices that may impact negatively on users’ freedom of expression, such as terms of service enforcement. Likewise, there is no sense of conflict between the online business model and their users’ right to privacy.  相似文献   

This article discusses two forms of discrimination against indigenous people: ventriloquism and open racism, and argues that a transition from paternalism to open intolerance has taken place in Ecuador in the context of governmental emphasis on natural resource extraction. Ventriloquism, when non-Indians speak for indigenous people, is analysed through the Sumak Kawsay (Good Living) policies of the government of Rafael Correa (2007–2017). Public racism is examined by looking at government repression against indigenous leaders and communities and Presidential speeches. The article concludes that the state’s ventriloquist and racist discourses and practices are equally rooted in the country’s colonial past. These findings are contrasted with the writings of scholars that have called the government of Mr. Correa decolonizing. The article examines the ways in which decolonial theorists informed and promoted the policies of this regime, and argues that decolonial scholars have been insufficiently self-critical and reflective of their own complicity with the state’s repressive project vis-à-vis indigenous communities.  相似文献   
The 4-A Framework suggests that all inclusive education systems must be available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable. South Africa is committed to establishing an inclusive education system that does not exclude students with disabilities. South African university disability policies translate the imperatives of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities into institutional mandates that govern the implementation of inclusive education. The aim of this study was to determine to what extent disability policies at South African research-intensive universities addressed the markers contained in the 4-A Framework. The framework was reworked and operationalised for the higher education context, and expanded to include a fifth marker, namely affordability. A deductive thematic analysis, using a protocol based on the five markers, was used to analyse these policies. Results indicate that, of the five markers, affordability was not sufficiently addressed. Various disclaimers also limit policy provisions related to other markers.  相似文献   
自然保护地在维持生态平衡,实现生态系统服务功能中可以发挥重要作用,但不同类型自然保护地的主导生态系统服务功能供给存在一定差异.《自然保护地法》立法工作须依赖理论上对自然保护地的类型化,并在此基础上建构对应型的规划建设、运营管理等方面的具体制度.因此,基于生态系统服务功能供给的空间差异,可以将当前相互重叠、缺乏体系的自然保护地划分为国家公园、自然保护区、自然公园、自然保护小区等四种类型,搭建"1部基础法律+4部类型化条例(或法律)"的自然保护地法律体系,并可以通过体系化公法、私法制度工具强化自然保护地的有效治理.  相似文献   
农地产权结构是搭建土地增值收益分配与宪法秩序有效链接的重要桥梁.从农地产权结构变迁的视角看,我国传统土地增值收益的国有化机制实际在很大程度上符合1982年宪法所确立的社会主义地租国有原则及地利共享秩序.然而,由于宪法土地条款一开始就被注入了地利分配具有倾向性的思想基因,长此以往便忽视了农民作为整体分享土地增值收益的"另一半宪法秩序".新型城镇化背景下,国家进行了"同地同权"、赋权于"民"的农村土地管理制度改革,其实质是宪法秩序的延续而非替代,我国土地增值收益分配的主要机制仍是征地补偿制度.要实现我国土地增值收益的公平分享,必须回到社会主义"国家—集体"一元论的完整地利共享秩序中来,并遵循实质平等的要求,通过以"人的城镇化"为目标对区片综合地价进行限定、采取倾向于农村及农业发展的"土地财政"政策、打破城乡户籍二元制实现城乡一体化发展等方案,推动农民全过程参与、共享土地利益.  相似文献   
In the last few years, the popularity of veganism has surged. Current literature on the cultural practice, which situates it within a social movements framework, cannot adequately explain this meteoric rise. A better approach is to view veganism as an emerging lifestyle movement based on individual consumption rather than political protest. After situating veganism within the literature on animal rights, this review then explains why a lifestyle movement perspective yields a more compelling account of its growing mainstream appeal. Drawing on both cultural and organizational sociology, this review provides insights into the cultural origins of veganism, its evolving relationship to other food movements, and highlights the key role played by cultural entrepreneurs, the key changemakers who are bringing veganism from the margins to the mainstream.  相似文献   
工时制度历经数百余年的演进过程,从超越人体极限的十几个小时至现代社会适度工作时间的实现,各种权利思想扮演了重要角色。伴随启蒙运动中普遍性权利的觉醒,部分人权思想如平等、自由为后来工时制度演变起到了启蒙作用,启蒙运动后社会权的进一步发展则使劳动者实现了向社会人地位的转变。资本主义的发展使劳动时间的价值凸显并且劳动时间不断被延长,伴随着劳动者地位的改善及工人阶级权利意识的觉醒,工人发起缩短工时的罢工运动并成为工时制度演变的直接推动力。适度性是工时制度所追求的目标,伴随着各方的博弈,工时演变的最终结果是实现了各方的适度性,推动了社会的发展。  相似文献   
After observing ostracism or social exclusion, older children, adolescents and adults report decreased satisfaction of the need for control. Attempting to regain control can motivate aggression in ostracized adults. Research has shown that the onset of ostracism’s harmful effects on children’s behavior is at preschool age. We investigated whether preschoolers would exert more control after witnessing ostracism. A sample of 53 children (Mage = 5 years, 5 months) first watched priming videos either showing ostracism or not. Subsequently, they participated in two ball games. In both of the games (order counterbalanced), children could control the flow of a ball’s motion, either live between two people (i.e., social control) or between two bars on a laptop screen (i.e., non‐social control). Overall, children understood social exclusion when it was displayed in the videos. We found an effect of observed ostracism only on social control. Four‐ to five‐year‐old boys who witnessed ostracism stopped a ball game between two persons longer than boys who did not witness ostracism. Our results suggest that observing social exclusion elevates young boys’ need for control over a social situation. Girls showed a different pattern but their responses did not differ significantly between ostracism and non‐ostracism conditions.  相似文献   
互联网金融发展使得新型金融产品应运而生。校园贷具有数额小、效率高、门槛低等优势,吸引了有超前消费需求的在校大学生。由于平台监管缺失、大学生消费非理性等因素,校园贷滋生出了高利贷、骗贷、裸贷等乱象,部分行为还构成了违法犯罪。与其他网络贷款方式相比,校园贷具有借款对象单一性、贷款方式隐蔽性、抵押方式非具象性、催款手段违法性、受害学生犯罪转化性等特征,导致校园贷走入迷途。为了有效规范和严格治理校园贷,可以通过建立犯罪防控体系、促进联合监管、强化学生法治意识等路径,将校园贷引入良性发展轨道,最终实现良好的法律效果和社会效果。  相似文献   
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